
Our Coaching Partnership

Why Work With Me?

  • safe space to heal and recover from trauma, emotional safety

    Holding a Safe space

    When healing from any kind of complex or relational trauma, learning or relearning the dynamics of a safe, supportive and healthy relationship, re-establishing central nervous system regulation, and reconnecting with ourselves on a deep level are often important milestones in our journey. As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, I hold a safe space for you to pursue the work of healing in a non-judgmental, compassion-filled setting that’s specifically tailored to your recovery needs and goals. I’ll always pace myself after you. You no longer have to do this alone.

  • body-mind, somatic, holistic, spiritual, evidence-based, research-proven, trauma-sensitive, trauma-responsive modalities

    client-led coaching

    Trauma Recovery Coaching is a client-led modality. This means that you will never be asked to discuss things with me that you are not comfortable or ready going into. Talking about traumatic content is not the only way to recover from trauma and for many survivors of complex trauma, it may not even be the best or safest way. As a holistic coach, I am trained and certified in various evidence-based body-mind modalities, so our work together is always trauma-responsive and gentle to your nervous system. You are in the driver’s seat at all times.

  • The Body Keeps the Score, bottom-up therapeutic modalities, somatic, body-based, body-mind, spiritual, evidence-based, research-proven practices

    Evidence-based practices

    Many of us arrive to Trauma Recovery Coaching after having seemingly tried it all. We may have experimented with alternative remedies. Yet when it comes to my clients’ trauma recovery, their safety is my priority, and time is of the essence, so everything I do and every certification I hold is backed by sound scientific research. Go to the Science page if you’d like to explore the research behind the modalities I use to support my clients on their recovery journey. Also check out the Recovery page to learn more about the Trauma Recovery Process.

  • Internal Family Systems, IFS, parts work, IFS-informed, parts work informed, The Body Keeps the Score, No Bad Parts

    IFS-Informed coaching

    You know how sometimes a part of us wants something, yet another part of us pushes back and we feel stuck (e.g. like healthy eating)? Internal Family Systems (IFS)/Parts-Work-informed coaching helps uncover and gain insights into our conflicting parts so we can establish lines of communication and help resolve what feels stuck. As we learn to notice, listen, and validate (but not necessarily agree with) our various parts, it becomes easier to feel safe and act in alignment with our core values & beliefs, so we can live more freely and authentically.

  • Clinical EFT practitioner, EFT, tapping, The Tapping Solution, EFTUniverse, bilateral stimulation, EMDR

    trauma-responsive EFT

    Emotional Freedom Techniques are a body-mind modality you may have tried for emotional regulation, by finger tapping on acupressure points while focusing on various feeling/sensory cues. Yet for assistance on complex issues, working with a practitioner like me who is trained in EFT’s clinically researched protocols, can greatly support your recovery. In fact, based on the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association’s standards, and over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including Randomized Controlled Trials, clinical EFT helps alleviate anxiety, PTSD, depression & phobias.

  • EFT, IFS, hypnosis, parts work, somatic, holistic, spiritual trauma recovery coach

    credentials & training

    Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, IAOTRC

    Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner, EFT Universe

    Certified Consulting Hypnotist, NYS DOE Accredited

    Accredited by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors (IACTM)

    IFS-Informed, Internal Family Systems 6-month Circle

    Reparenting the Inner Child with EFT: Levels 1 & 2

    Psychological First Aid, John Hopkins University

    National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Member

    MEd, Summa Cum Laude, Pace University, NY

    M.A. in Creative Writing, Summa Cum Laude, CCNY

I’m so glad you’re here

Certified Trauma Recovery Coach

Welcome, I’m Sophie, Founder of Little Wave Coaching, I know how vulnerable reaching out can feel. As a survivor of complex, generational, childhood & sexual trauma, I know first-hand how much courage it takes to keep looking for a safe space to heal; to refuse to give up, even after all these years. Surviving is a 1st stepping stone, yet please know that…

There is a beautiful life waiting for you, beyond just surviving and coping

As your coach, I will guide you through each and every step of your recovery, so you can finally let go of surviving, and begin living in full color. It’s never too early or too late to start your healing journey. A single step is all that’s needed, so feel free to e-mail or join me on a call, as I’d love to meet you to chat for a bit about your needs and hopes, and how I can best partner with you to support your Trauma Recovery.





—Vanessa T, Canada

I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless. I will not fix you, for you are not broken. I will not heal you, for I see you, in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.

Sheree Bliss Tilsley